Leading the Insulation Industry into the 21st Century

Liquid Ceramic Insulation Coating

TC Ceramic, a liquid ceramic insulation coating, is the latest in modern insulation technology. TC Ceramic has been utilized in a variety of Industrial-Commercial-Residential applications around the world.

The formula for TC Ceramic was developed several years ago after extensive research. One of its unique characteristics is it’s ability to withstand operating temperatures up to 260°C and to reflect UV Energy at the highest in the industry (98%)

TC Ceramic is the most advanced product of its type. It can withstand high temperatures over a very long period of time. We have approximately 30 years experience to date.


We have been involved with TC Ceramic for approximately 20 plus years. I was in the meat business for many years when we found this product. We were looking for a material to apply to the inside of our animal waste cooler. The problem was the smell was escaping through the walls and getting in to the rest of the building, We went online and found this material. We contacted the people and ordered the material and applied it to inside cooler. The results were above what we expected because not only did it eliminate the smell but it also reduced Energy costs. Crazy part for us was the building was only a few years old and to get an additional 30+% savings was a bonus. I eventually got out of the family meat business and started promoting this product, as time has moved on and so many things are becoming where saving energy and the environment are very important, we feel we are capable of helping the world transition to a greener energy efficient world. We feel that this coating applied to all substrates is going to reduce greenhouse gas because it reduces Energy costs quite significantly.


TC Ceramic, a liquid ceramic insulation coating, is the latest in modern insulation technology. TC Ceramic has been utilized in a variety of Industrial-Commercial-Residential projects around the world. Different types of applications, although they vary from customer to customer, all benefit from similar characteristics and benefits. REDUCING ENERGY COSTS !!!

TC Ceramic is Class A Fire rated (ASTM E84)


Because the coatings ability to reflect high energy (98%) we have had great results from all of our customers. When we apply to roofs or walls energy is almost all reflected off the substrate. (Applying TC Ceramic to roof tops reflects 98% Energy back into the atmosphere- customers state that A/C is needed very little after application-This also applies to wind chill in cold season) That been said it works the same way on the inside, all the energy produced inside the building reflects off the coating and stays inside the room. (Cathedral ceilings) are super hard to maintain and are subject to so many energies in a small cavity by applying a minimal of 40 mil TC Ceramic the energy from outside in the cavity is reduced. Most customers notice when the furnace shuts off there is no feeling of cool air coming down on them anymore. TC Ceramic applied to the inside of any substrate creates a Thermal break. The building industry has been trying to achieve Thermal break for decades with different products and although it slows it.. this product is capable of doing it much better in conjunction with what they are using and with greater results. Has been applied to inside walls and usually at 30 mils minimal, when testing has proven your product to reflect 98% Energy it tells you there will be amazing results.


Many projects with regards to concrete, applying TC Ceramic has resulted in amazing results. Cold energy that comes up from below the concrete reduces drastically and can not get though the Ceramics on the surface. You can really feel the difference in the room right away. Applying TC Ceramic to the concrete walls eliminates frost penetration, condensation, Energy loss. Applying this coating to concrete walls before typical insulation will stop those insulations from failing in the future because all the energies that make them fail have been eliminated.


We have been applying TC Ceramic to the inside of Arena's to stop condensation and have achieved this. TC Ceramic does achieve this because it stops the two energies from meeting-it forms a thermal barrier. The other benefits in this application is it stops ice dams on the roof (when one energy is removed lots of things change) Soundproofing and light refractory is also reduced because of the 98% refractory. Been applied to the inside of industrial coolers, freezers, a lot of them do not have a good thermal barrier-vapor barrier almost all of them have condensation issues with large energy loss and corrosion caused by excessive wetness. (We always apply to all surfaces in coolers and freezers, including the doors-on the floor we apply an Epoxy over TC Ceramic to protect the ceramic) Applying TC Ceramic to duct work creates better efficiency as well as stops condensation in the warms season from A/C, and insulates as well as it looks fantastic.


TC Ceramic applied to all in building applications also soundproofs. Energy reflectance at the level we are rated to achieve on the outside of a building or on a hot pipe also tells you that reflecting sound is another energy.


Rockwool and Polyurethane foam are used a lot in the industry and are becoming less and less used as companies are realizing the products begin to fail as the condensation and moisture saturates it. With TC Ceramic because we adhere directly to the surface moisture cannot effect the coating, and Corrosion Under Insulation is of no concern anymore. Surface preparation is minimal (often just use a wire wheel or a solvent, depending on the situation more prep is required) the TC Ceramic self primes to all substrates, if any additional primer is needed we have a couple we recommend. (can be required in excessive rusting conditions) TC Ceramic is easily applied on valves, flanges, elbows, ducts, heat exchangers, equipment of any shape or of remote area difficult to reach. TC is a non toxic water based acrylic coating loaded with microscopic hollow ceramic beads that encapsulate air, and is perfect to protect personnel from burns in hot processes (skin touch test certified-ASTM 1055-99) TC Ceramic can be applied hot without down time on surfaces up to 200°C with no shut down. It will insulate from -­40°C to 260°C . It is Certified as Fire Retardant Class A Fire rating. Does not emit fumes-Environmentally safe. TC Ceramic is really incredible at encapsulating Energy. And it is so thin that inspection of equipment can be done without dismantling the insulation coating, as everything is truly visible. Any defect in your equipment will be detected immediately, and our coating can be easily removed for repair, then just touched up with a brush or trowel (or spray depending on size) to guarantee full protection against corrosion and thermal insulation. Based on NASA research, it combines performance, lightness, flexibility and compactness TC Ceramic is a very stable and durable coating, waterproof, and very thin. It also provides considerable acoustic insulation on industrial projects. As an anti-corrosion coating, it provides excellent protection against rust and eliminates corrosion under insulation (CUI) It can easily be applied with airless spray, at thickness layers of 30 to 200 mils and requires some skill. We provide specific training to to any contractor wishing to use the coatings. TC is environmentally friendly, safe and non-toxic since it contains no solvents. Standard colors are white (reflects UV up to 98%) and black. Recommended for personnel protection and energy savings. Lighter than other insulations materials, it can be applied easily and with reduced costs of labor.


TC Ceramic relies on its unique formulation to deliver the physical qualities that make it an industry leading insulative coating system. TC Ceramic insulation protects the two most important assets you rely on to run your business... Employees and Equipment Surfaces of equipment and infrastructure are encapsulated, and the tightly adhered TC Ceramic coating protects against corrosion from the elements. It also provides incredible reflectivity and emissivity, virtually eliminating energy transfer to the coated structure. In solar environments, less that 2% of the sun’s energy makes it way through the TC Ceramic and into the building or equipment. Additionally, your employees are protected from potential burn injury with TC Ceramic's ability to mitigate burns on substrates with pre-coated operating temperatures up to 500°F. Protect the assets that are most important to you with TC Ceramic coating system. ASTM C1055 and C1057 skin touch testing verifies that even a thin coat of the TC Ceramic insulative coating mitigates, and does eliminate, the risk of burn on hot surfaces. TC Ceramic can be long winded to explain all of it benefits, bottom line is Energy is everywhere we are. TC Ceramic reflects Energy from outside away from substrate, or inside to not allow energy produced to get out. We apply everything from boilers-hot piping-Ammonia chillers-buildings-roofs-coolers-freezers...ETC. Seems as people become aware of how it works they find applications to numerous to list.


Contact Us

TC Ceramic has many applications for use across the commercial and industrial sector.
If you have any questions you would like answered or are thinking of purchasing  TC Ceramic product then please get in contact with us.
Fill in the form, email us or call us.
One of your team will be here to answer any questions you may have.
(306) 750-7762
(306) 750-7763

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